

Jack Ostendorf



4th or 5th Saturday of each month.



We invite you to attend the monthly Practical Defensive Rifle Match at Oil Capitol Rod & Gun Club. Match fee is $10 members and $15We guests; cash or check only.  The match is held the 4th or 5th Saturday of every month, year ‘round.  Sign-in commences at 0930 in the Pistol Pavilion Building. Safety meeting at 1000.  Please see Rules PDF at bottom of this web page. 

If you want on the BCC notification list, please send an email to jack38@windstream.net   We shoot the scheduled match unless it is cancelled by conditions extreme enough to be unsafe.  Activity participants will be updated by email.

Pre-registration is done on Practiscore; see “how to” at page bottom.  If you don’t do well with Practiscore, come on to the match regardless.  Scoring on the bays is via electronic tablets.                                                                                        .

The Defensive Practical Rifle Match is a shooting sport that uses practical rifles/carbines and equipment suitable for real world use, including full charge service ammunition, to solve simulated real world self-defense scenarios.   While primarily a rifle/carbine event, pistols also sometimes used in a stage with them.  Gun transitions are designed to be within the competitor’s individual capabilities. 

Slings are required before and after a stage; may be removed during a stage.  Empty chamber flags required.  Other safety and operational rules in effect, per the Rules at the top of this page.

Stages are limited to not more than 24 rounds.  Typical match is 5 stages.  Scoring is shooter’s time, plus target points down, plus penalties.  Distances do not exceed 75 yards, with average around 25 yards.  Some required shots will require precision.  Others are fired on the move or weak shoulder.  Rifle targets are IDPA cardboard.  Pistol targets may be cardboard or reactive steel.

To pre-register on Practiscore you will first need to set up your personal account by going to the site.  All it requires is your email and a password that you choose, best of all it’s free.  Next take the link for the individual upcoming match as provided by the match director.  Log in and start clicking buttons.  Fill in your name, email, division, class, and category then click “register”.  After you click “register” scroll down to click “save”.   That registers you and brings up the squadding options.  You do not need to go into squadding unless you want. 

Now the Practiscore squadding.  You can do it yourself by following these instructions.  Otherwise the match director will do that part for you.  To squad for one individual, click on the squad dot.  That brings up the next button for “Select Squad”; click it.  Last go to page bottom to click the confirming “select squad” button.  That will squad that one person.  Repeat entire process, beginning at register, for 2nd gun if you choose to shoot one.








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