
The 101st Street gate has been repaired and is now functional again.

The club has obtained a new insurance policy and is now in force. This has been a stressful past few days trying to get everything in place to satisfy our new carrier. One of the requirements from our carrier which is new for Oil Capital is that every member and guest must sign a waiver. Our board has been working very hard to get the waiver drafted and finalized. You should be seeing a club wide email go out soon with the waiver. Please sign and return at your earliest convenience. We are not the only club that signs a waiver. Most if not all gun clubs in the Tulsa already sign a waiver. 
Oil Capital Board of Directors




About Oil Capital Rod & Gun Club

Oil Capital Rod & Gun Club is the finest facility of its kind in the state of Oklahoma. A member owned incorporated private club setting on 160 acres with a maximum number of 825 members. Your membership value increases as the club grows and expands. Subject to the bylaws, your membership may be sold or transferred at your discretion. Membership to Oil Capital Rod & Gun Club is an individual membership and cannot be corporate owned or part of a trust. The club also does not offer joint, spousal, family or youth memberships. Membership is restricted to persons 18 years old and older who are interested in the perpetuation and advancement of good sportsmanship, enforcement of Oklahoma's fish and game laws, and cooperation with the Department of Wildlife Conservation, for the State of Oklahoma. Classified as a social club and designated as a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization, Oil Capital Rod & Gun Club is not a charity and any contributions either in cash, goods, services, etc., are NOT tax deductible.

As a member you have unlimited accompanied guest privileges. The club facility has the following facilities for the member to enjoy. A main clubhouse with full kitchen facilities and big screen TV. 100/200 yard rifle range, 50 yard small bore range. 25 yard pistol range, 25 yard plinking range, 6 skeet fields, 4 trap fields (3 of which are overlaid on skeet fields), 5 stand sporting clays. Permanent pattern board for shotgun, 3D archery range, Archery target range with bags and 3D targets, Indoor airgun range, All weather building with 8 firing points on rifle range that are heated and cooled for inclement weather. Two fishing ponds that are stocked with catfish and hybrid bluegill, and RV hookups at the skeet range and rifle range. Also there are restroom facilities located throughout the clubsite and showers in the Rifle/pistol building. There is a picnic shelter located at the Rifle/pistol building and the small pond. Club members have 24hr access to the club facility via gate combination and are welcome anytime. The club hosts many activities in every discipline each month and the schedules are listed in the Target which is the monthly newsletter. Activities include Skeet and trap, IDPA, IPSC, Steel Challenge, High power rifle, Military Bolt Action benchrest, 22 smallbore, 3-gun Cowboy action shooting, Outdoor airgun, Indoor airgun, and many more.

User Accounts


This website is for the members of Oil Capital Rod & Gun Club. To access the entire website requires a user account that is set up by the administrator.

Members, to activate your account please download the Web_Account form or send an email to memberservices@ocrgc.com. If you send an email, use the following format to request activation for your account.


Membership No.

Email address – that is permanent and unlikely to change – No business email unless you own the company

Desired password


Phone number

If you desire to use the form, download, fill out, and save as “Member#_lastname.pdf  ie; 999_heston.pdf  - Click the icon below to download form.




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